Saturday, December 11, 2004

your spiritual journey

a few years ago i helped brainstorm/research for this experimental website and still have lots of interesting material from that project. the concept was to have a site that people could go to in search of spiritual answers/discovery, or simply to explore various manifestations of spirituality. the site has no text or information on it, nothing about who created it or what the purpose of it is. i'm going to post up some of my more interesting finds from those days, but here's the site:

1 comment:

Thor said...

I can't wait to hear more about this--there are certainly some interesting links. Religious beliefs and strange beliefs (I'll separate the two arbitrarily) are indeed fascinating. I went to a Catholic boy's prep school, and Amy (my wife) is the daugher of a pastor. Also, I grew up in Santa Cruz which is a cauldron of strangeness. I have an ex-girlfriend who is a Wiccan. I personally find the Gnostics quite interesting as a fringe group at the birth of Christianity. I had a good friend who oscillated between Zoroastrianism, Aleistaire Crowley-ism, and Santeria. A lot of the quantum physics/string theory stuff always struck me as inherently crossing over into the metaphysical, too.

The most interesting guy I met recently was a University geology professor who eats magic mushrooms to have direct conversations with God, and who has unraveled the secret healing powers of Thunder. He says thunder has a double helix shape and resonates in the key of G. The playback of recorded thunder apparently can cure migraines and other body pains. Oh, and he is a big believer in biblical prophecy.