Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Michael Jackson as proto-Mog

Of course you've probably seen this or something similar: The History of Michael Jackson's face.

Imagine a glam-rock character (more in the David Bowie/Ziggy Stardust vein) who is systematically mogging himself into something ever more bizarre--dozens of eyes, a thirty foot rubbery thorax, thirteen larynxes that he plays like a harp, a huge billowy flap of skin attached to his neck that he uses as a parachute...Michael Jackson is his idol...

At some point he decides the world isn't mog-friendly enough so he starts MogTV--all mog all the time. He declares a culture war on the puremanists the same week he marries a hermaphroditic anemone mog on live tv.


Alexis Anne said...


Alexis Anne said...

MogTV would be a great way to present stories within the story; we could have various TV series and every once in a while have a MogTV episode presented as a chapter of its own - the hermaphroditic anemone wedding being one. the episodes could be completely unrelated to the main storyline, or we could blur it once in a while by having one of our main characters appear on a show. we could also throw in commercials (with commercially transmogrified spokespersons) - and just imagine the products mogs would need...

i love MogTV.

Thor said...

I've been thinking a lot about this issue of traditional human media being subsumed by the avalanche of mog media and the inevitable culture war that emerges. Interesting...